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Stockport standing together with Manchester

This online book of condolence is to enable residents of Stockport to pass on their thoughts to the victims and their families following the tragic events at the Manchester Arena on Monday 22 May.

Councillor Alex Ganotis, Leader of Stockport Council, said: “Since the atrocious and barbaric events that took place at the Manchester Arena on Monday evening, I – like many others – have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of grief from around the world.

“It has been decided that a book of condolence be opened at Stockport Town Hall and online to give people from our community the opportunity to pay their respects to those affected by this monstrous act.

“These books will allow people to express their feelings and show support to everyone involved, especially those who have lost loved ones or been injured and traumatised.”


  1. Vicky brooks

    WE WILL REMEMBER THEM⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘
    I love Manchester

  2. Katy Waithe

    Young lives taken far too soon.
    Rest In Peace.
    Choose Love Manchester.

    Never forgotton.

  3. Michael Wilkins

    RIP to all the 22, gone but never forgotten. Prayers for all their families.

  4. Rob Walsh

    RIP, 22 angels flying high, Manchester will never forget you, thoughts with all the people involved and recovering, well done to the Emergency Services, Manchester is proud

  5. Abbie

    My heart goes out to all of the victims and their families of this attack, it breaks my heart knowing it could have been any of us. Lets stay strong and not let terrorism get to us ever.

  6. Joley

    RIP to the 22 who gained their angel wings, taken far too soon, gone but never forgotten xx
    Thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved xx

  7. Susan kellett

    R I P Those 22 people who lost there lives it’s so sad you will never be forgotten and we will never give in. Manchester will stand tall my thoughts and my love are with you all.xx

  8. Kez

    Our hearts are broken. I can’t imagine the pain and suffering of the victims and their families. We will never, ever forget. God bless you all xxx

  9. Cheryl

    I am deeply saddened by the loss of so many people.

    My heart goes out of the poor families

  10. julie

    My thoughts are with the victims and their families of all involved in Monday’s tragic incident.

    Manchester will always remember the 22 angels RIP

  11. Claire

    I left Manchester in 2004, but I always found myself coming home when I had leave. It is my home but city and I am truly devastated with the atrocity that happened. The 22 angels taken so many years before they were meant to are in my heart and mind. I never knew you but I will always remember you.

    I love you Manchester

  12. Simmy

    My thoughts are with the victims and their families.
    God bless you all.

  13. Jackie

    My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of everyone affected by Monday’s tragic events.
    Manchester people are strong and resilient and we will stand together as one

  14. Karla

    My thoughts are with all the victims and families which have been so horribly caught in this horrible attack in Manchester. You will never be forgotten by anybody sleep tight all the angels taken far too soon x

  15. Robert Kinder

    My thoughts and prays are with all the victims and victims families after the awful attack on Monday. No words can describe the horror of what happened and why you were all taken too soon. May you all rest in peace, Manchester loves you all. Much love xx

  16. Judy

    So very sad. God bless you all.

  17. Scott Family

    No one will ever ever forget the 22 victims that lost their lives in this horrendous act. We stand together and grieve together. Manchester is a wonderful city, full of people that care passionately about justice and fairness…..your loss is our loss and we will always stand side by side. RIP X

  18. Julie

    My heart goes out to all the family and friends who have lost loved ones.
    Let’s stand together.
    R.I.P xxx

  19. Alessandro Venturi

    From the family and friends we send our love and respect to all of those who have lost loved ones, remember stay strong and never give in to anything.

  20. jessica whittaker

    Our thoughts are with manchester as it recovers from the dreadful events a week ago, we are thinking of the people that died and all that are injured. God bless manchester

  21. Julie Ashton

    Sending love to all involved. Such a tragedy. RIP angels. Wishing a speedy recovery to all those injured. God bless you and your families xxx


    SORROW AND SADNESS Rocked the world last week Monday and it shattered our hearts we Honour the 22 ANGEL’S Fly high through the week we got to know all 22 ANGEL’S and all there different lives from insperation to ICONIC to loving to kind to life Changing but one thing brought them together Music… to send them off with music was a fitting tribute and we will never forget them we pray for the families friends and of the Angeles and to those in recovery Kind Regards Ryan from South Africa

  23. Peter birch

    22 innocent people gone but never forgotten. Manchester will always love you and will stay strong. These people who do these things can not be allowed to win and break our peace.

  24. Tracy and terry

    R.I.P 22 innocent lives taken thoughts are with all the families

  25. Jordan Witter

    RIP to the 22 cruelly taken by this horrendous attack.

  26. Rebecca-Louise

    R.I.P to the 22 innocent people who were taken from us far too soon. You will be forever remembered in our hearts ❤ I wish a speedy recovery to those who were injured. Stay strong and don’t forget that the whole of Manchester are standing together and that we are sending our love and condolences to all those affected xxxxxxx

  27. Danielle

    RIP To The 22 So Cruelly Taken Away My Thoughts Go To All There Families

  28. Jill

    Sending my love to everyone involved in this awful atrocity. We will never forget all the victims. It has saddened the whole world but especially everyone in Manchester. Xxx

  29. Anne & Kayla

    We will remember each and every one of you always, Fly high sweet angels in peace Xx

    Our thoughts are with every family member, friend, colleague, teacher, and all of Manchester.

    Together we are strong. Together we are one and together we will overcome Evil.



  30. Helen

    My thoughts are with the all victims and their families

    We will always remember.

    God Bless xx

  31. Lorna Robins

    The day evil came to Manchester and we overcame it with love, may we always stand together. We are a city united. To all the victims may you rest in peace and their families may God bless you and comfort you. XXXXXXX

  32. Gemma Burns

    My heart goes out to all 22 victims, family and all whos lives have been affected! Such a sad time. God Bless each n every one us! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  33. Pauline Jones

    Our hearts go out to all those involved in the terrible events of 22nd May 2017. RIP xxx

  34. Victoria & Paul

    Our love and thoughts are with all those who lost their loved ones. Manchester is our home Manchester is our family. We weep with you, We stand with you. Our deepest heart felt condolences to all the families and friends x x x x we are so sorry this has happened ❤️

  35. The Edwards family

    Heartfelt condolences to all of the families affected, and especially those local to us in Stockport. Words cannot bring back those you lost or undo the harm to the injured and traumatised, but we hope that the tributes left locally and the words in these books will help you to see that despite its horrors, the world is full of good, kind people who want to help you in your time of need.

  36. Jude

    Words can not make it better but I hope it helps to know so many people are sending their love. Those who died will never be forgotten.

  37. Paula Hayes

    My thoughts and prayers are with all the families who have had their loved ones so cruelly taken away and to all those injured in this horrific attack.

  38. mavis boden

    those 22 victims and there loved ones are in our thoughts and prayers and will always be remembered at this so very sad time our hearts go out to the injured and their families

  39. Ray and Sheila

    Remembering all the lives lost in the Manchester bombing.Gone but never forgotten
    Rest in peace.

  40. Alan Murphy

    I have grand children who could have been at this event and the thought of those children holding pink balloons and happily attending a great event is haunting.
    My thoughts and feelings go out to everyone and I hope you will find some peace and relief somewhere along the way.
    Strength and courage is evident, as we rightly challenge our right to go to places without fear
    On behalf of all my family I would like to send my heart felt condolences.

  41. Kate

    Please choose love over hate and peace over war. RIP to everyone who lost their lives in this and the other terror attacks in the UK and my thoughts are with the victims families and anyone else affected.

  42. Julie Hall

    My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of the 22 victims, so cruelly taken may the rest in peace.

  43. Patricia

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families, rest in peace.

  44. Jasmyn

    Will forever remember the lives lost. Will forever hold a special place in my heart as this tragedy was so close to home. ??

  45. Melanie-Jayne Peaty

    To the families of the victims of the Stockport tragedy.Thinking of you all and the rest of the people of Stockport.You are really going through it.Bless you all.Always loved,never forgotten.cxxx


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