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Stockport standing together with Manchester

This online book of condolence is to enable residents of Stockport to pass on their thoughts to the victims and their families following the tragic events at the Manchester Arena on Monday 22 May.

Councillor Alex Ganotis, Leader of Stockport Council, said: “Since the atrocious and barbaric events that took place at the Manchester Arena on Monday evening, I – like many others – have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of grief from around the world.

“It has been decided that a book of condolence be opened at Stockport Town Hall and online to give people from our community the opportunity to pay their respects to those affected by this monstrous act.

“These books will allow people to express their feelings and show support to everyone involved, especially those who have lost loved ones or been injured and traumatised.”


  1. Janet & Dave Sutton

    Music should be a release, a time to let go and leave the world behind for a while not become a scene from a horror film.

    Our heartfelt sympathies go to those families who have lost someone dear or are in hospital recovering from their dreadful ordeal.

    Thanks go to the emergency services personnel, NHS staff, taxi drivers, staff at the arena and members of the public including the homeless people who have shown the kindness and love that is the real Manchester.

    We will keep a candle burning for you all

  2. Dave & Janet Sutton

    Music should be a release, a time to let go and leave the world behind for a while not become a scene from a horror film.

    Our heartfelt sympathies go to those families who have lost someone dear or are in hospital recovering from their dreadful ordeal.

    Thanks go to the emergency services personnel, NHS staff, taxi drivers, staff at the arena and members of the public including the homeless people who have shown the kindness and love that is the real Manchester.

    We will keep a candle burning for you all

  3. Wendy Green - I Love Bramhall

    The Bramhall community shares the sadness of the events that occurred on 22 May 2017.

    For those that were affected, you are in our hearts and minds through this hideous time.

    We think of the families and friends of those that lost their lives, the people that were at the Arena that evening, the injured and the emergency services for working tirelessly to help others.

    Sending our love, prayers and thoughts.

  4. Jemma Geary

    Heart goes out to all who’ve been affected by mondays events we will not let them beat us we are and will stand strong
    Love and prayers x

  5. D Arkwright

    I Pray for the victims and family’s this SHOULD NOT HAPPEN

  6. Michelle Moorhouse

    Everyone of us has been touched by this sickening attack on young girls/boys , families and arena staff. It’s a senseless violent, abhorrent attack that should never have happened. Thoughts and prayers for everyone involved and thanks to all the emergency services who selflessly attended. God bless and keep you all X

  7. B Winskill

    Our thoughts are with all the tragic victims and their families.
    Especially those who sadly lost their lives.

    We are also praying for all of you xx


  8. Lorraine howard

    Words could never express how truly sad I feel for the poor innocent victims and their family’s, my thoughts and prayers are with you all ??

  9. Susan Peckitt

    My thoughts are with all of the people who were at the m.e.n arena on the 22nd of may.The families who have lost someone ,the people who are still fighting for there lives,the people who have been mentally and physically scarred.words cannot explain what you all have and are going prayers are with you all and god bless xxx

  10. Kathryn Keogh

    We are all heartbroken by what happened at the Arena. We have had messages from all our family and friends around the world sharing their love and condolences that we can also share here. We love Manchester and know we will all be strong together Love Kathryn David & Jon

  11. stella

    Just want to send heartfelt condolences <3

  12. Clare silver

    My heart goes out to everyone and my thoughts are with the victims and their families at this tragic time. Manchester will never forget this and we come together united in grief and sorrow. Manchester will always be strong. Xxx

  13. Sharon Garner

    Sending love and support to all the families, friends and survivors. We will never forget you <3

  14. Yale Wang

    Prayers for all affected by this tragedy. This is an hour to stand strong and offer each other support. Greater Manchester, United, will never be defeated.

  15. Lucy

    My heart felt thoughts goes out to you all that were at the arena, especially for the families that have suffered a lost….we may not be with you but as a city we are holding your hands. Manchester is United.. Manchester is strong. Xxxx

  16. Paula Barnes-Evans

    God bless MANCHESTER !!!!

  17. Sharon myers

    My heart goes out to all the family’s affected. May all the new angels rest in peace. Taken far to soon.

  18. Michelle Mcglasson

    “Through love they are remembered, in memory they live” Rest in peace beautiful angels. WeStandTogether a city United xxx

  19. Mrs C Gillett

    So many angels taken on that night and so many still have a struggle to come to terms with their injuries. Heartfelt thanks to all 999 services to the homeless men who did what they were brought up to do look after our own. To those new bright stars in the sky bless you shine brighter than bright lets stay United. United in grief united in love lets never have to grieve again. Goodnight god bless to you all. Amen. Xx

  20. Bethany Hicks

    My thoughts and love are with all the victims and everyone affected by this terrible act of stupidity. To all the families of those we have lost, to all the people at the event who are mentally and physically scarred, to everyone that helped, paramedics, Doctors, nurses, police, staff, volunteers- stay strong! To all the people who went to enjoy their evening and never returned home- rest in peace, you will not be forgotten. We will continue to fight for you! #Manchester

  21. Katie

    Deepest thoughts are with the families of the poor lives lost at this hoffific attack !
    with the children that are scarred for life !
    The efforts and bravery shown by the emergency services were incrediably !!
    We are mancahester we stand together !
    Rest in peace beautiful people ❤️

  22. chloe whittaker

    my thorghts are with all the victims and famlies. all of the angels rest in peace. all taken far to early. #mamchester xxxx

  23. marie hyde

    no words …… rest in peace … listen to your music with the angels shine bright xxxx

  24. Jodie

    Absolutely devastating what’s happened to all those innocent lives some have been lost and some left in critical conditions, my heart goes out to all the family’s and friends of those effected on the night it happened. This happening now leaves me as a parent of two young girls age 1yr and 5yrs old in complete worry for them as this world grows worse each day.

    Sleep in peace to the angels our community has lost in this awful way xxx

  25. Chloe Mather

    My thoughts and prayers are with the victims’ families and friends and all those affected by this traumatic event. Big love to the emergency services, first responders and all those who continue to work tirelessly to keep us safe xxxx

  26. Michael Henderson

    God bless the victims of this atrocity. Manchester stands firm against loser terrorists. All thanks to the emergency services that helped in this terrible. My thought and prayers go out to all the family of the deceased and i wish the injured a safe recovery.

  27. susanna monks

    My family’s thoughts and deepest prayers are with all the beautiful people that lost their lives and their families and friends whose lives will never be the same again. We are heartbroken for you all x and to the emergency services you will always be in our gratitude for your tireless efforts and compassion x God bless you all x

  28. caz

    My thoughts and deepest sympathy for all the victims and families who were at the arena, RIP to all the beautiful angels. gone far too soon. heartbroken xx

  29. patricia Horsfield

    Our heartfelt sympathy to you all, we cannot comprehend your grief . From expats in France xx

  30. Janette and stephen

    Our love and sympathy go out to the families who have lost their loved ones .No one can take away their pain and heal their broken heart’s. I wish someone could. May they sleep in the arm’s of the angel’s.

  31. Mandy Buckley

    My Thoughts are with all involved in this horrific incident god bless . Again and again people taken far to young prayers for you all involved family and friends we will never forget this horrific day and those who lost there lives will never be forgotten we stand united xx

  32. Maria Letizia Magnelli

    All my thoughts and prayers for the victims of this terrible attack and their families. Even in this tragedy we should try to remember that “we are one” and we can win the hate with love.

  33. Jane Patel

    Sending so much love , thoughts and hope of recovery to all the people injured …. Both physically and emotionally…. I can’t begin to imagine what you are going through….
    For the people who have lost lives and loved ones, my heart is heavy and I wish I could change the world… So sorry… Myself and my family are broken over this…. May you all find strength eventually… God bless

  34. Graham

    My family and I here in Australia feel united with all those who have been deeply affected by this atrocity.
    Love is always more powerful than hate. We send our love.

  35. Sue Harney

    There are no words that can truly express what those affected by this tragedy, must be going through. Just offering my sincere condolences for your loss. RIP Xxx

  36. Janet Arnold

    Prayers to all families and friends that have lost loved ones Monday night.
    Prayers for a quick recovery for all that were injured.
    May God wrap his arms around all effected by this senseless act of violence.

  37. RuthieC

    I am so sorry. I have been stunned by the tragic loss of young lives. It is so so sad and tragic.

    Love and prayers to the families who have lost relatives and for those in hospital

  38. Stacey

    Love and thoughts to the families and loved ones taken and injured in this terrible act.
    Always in our hearts and thoughts

  39. Amanda

    My thoughts go out not only to the people killed or injured but to every single person who was there that night, for the families, for the emergency services and NHS staff, and for anybody who had to witness this. Xxx

  40. Ann

    I want to offer my condolences to all the families who have lost loved ones in this horrific way. There aren’t enough words to express the sadness and disbelief of what has happened…we will never forget.

  41. Dorothy

    My thoughts and prayers are with all the people affected by this evil act. Terrorism must never win – we must stand united against it . Love to all the families who have lost loved ones trying to make sense of what happened – love to those injured and their families supporting them.

  42. Tony Lesley Eyles

    To all the family’s effected in this appalling tragedy, our thoughts are with you in your loss of family & close friends. And to all the injured our thoughts are with you.


  43. Jacqui morley

    All my feelings go to the victims and family of the tragic murder or innocent people, all they wanted was to enjoy a music gig fly high God’s angels xx

  44. Marjorie Whitehead

    we are so sorry for the loss of love ones ,gone but never forgotten they will live on in your hearts forever thinking of you all at this very sad time john and Marjorie

  45. Catherine

    My thoughts are with all those that have lost loved ones and all those affected by this horrific attack. Thinking of you all at this very sad time.
    I would like to add that I am so proud of all the Emergency Services and members of the public that have given their time and help with this tragedy – Thank You

  46. Abigail Barlow

    I was so sad and scared to hear of the malicious bombing; deliberately targeting young children.

    This has to stop. No more.

    My prayers will always be with the victims and their families. x

  47. Simon

    Such a terrible loss, but we are strong and we will carry on being what we are. 192 forever.

  48. Martyn Beattie

    My heart goes out to the victims families and friends of those that lost there lives and also to those that are recovering in hospital and also those that witnessed such a barbaric act. Xxxxxx

  49. Chloe

    Still can’t comprehend what has happened to our safe place, our home. My heart and love goes out to all the families who have suffered loss, all the injured and every single person who had to witness the incident and will have to live with the memory for the rest of their lives, nhs staff and police included.

    I am so deeply saddened by this evil act.. Such a terrible loss, thinking of everyone xx

  50. Tracey Mills

    Such a terrible loss of life, my heart goes out to the victims families and friends of those who are recovering in hospital and for those who lost their lives in a horrific way, I would like to say how proud I am of the emergency services who risked their lives to help the injured and the dead, and also to members of the public as well, and hospital staff who have worked tirelessly for those who needed their help, we need to be strong and make a stand not let terrorism win.


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